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Главная » 2012 » Апрель » 4 » Я возвращаюсь из изгнания!
Я возвращаюсь из изгнания!
Мы поздравляем всех с началом недели медвежьих фразеологизмов ровно за день до того, как Одинокий друид (англ. Lone Druid) присоединяется к героям Dota 2.
Новости сообщества:
*Завтра, 29 марта, состоится финал турнира «Gosu’s Monthly Madness». Мы уверены, что игры будут интересными, ведь два медведя в одной берлоге не уживаются.
*А тем, кому медведь на руку наступил, советуем почитать руководство по вардингу от команды Dignitas.
*Еще мы бы хотели оказать вам совершенно немедвежью услугу: великий исследователь Nullf составил схему пищевых предпочтений легендарного волнолова Левитана (Tidehunter), и мы бы хотели поделиться ею с вами. Теперь дважды подумайте, прежде чем отправляться на пляж.
- Added Lone Druid!
- Fixed small bug in the timing of sequential attacks.
- Lifestealer: Fixed being unable to Infest Mud Golems.
- Weaver: Fixed Time Lapse interaction with Aegis.
- Ancient Apparition: Fixed a bug where Ice Blast could get stuck on the map.
- Enabled Lycan in Captain's Mode

- The top bar game timer no longer is reset when a game ends.
- Heroes in top bar now draw grayscale when dead.
- The buyback cooldown time now appears in the gold tooltip.
- The buyback cooldown now appears in the form minutes:seconds.

- Added a buff/debuff effect for Razor's Static Link.
- Added effect for fountain heal.
- Fixed heroes drawing parts of their models in portraits when sheeped, hexxed, etc.
- Updated the effects for Shadow Demon's Shadow Poison.
- Decreased darkness of fogged areas

- Fixed bots being too aggressive about destroying enemy items.
- Fixed bug where bots would pick up items like Rapier or Aegis without giving humans a chance at them.
- After all humans have picked heroes, the remaining bots will now immediately pick their heroes.
- Fixed bug where bots would try to farm the same neutral camp that a human was farming.
- Added support for bots buying and placing Observer Wards:
. The more of a support a hero is, the more likely they are to buy wards.
. If they have a human teammate, they will not purchase enough wards to fully deplete the store.
. They will ward the runes, their jungle, and sometimes the enemy jungle (depending on how pushed the lanes are).
. They won't go to locations to place wards if they think it's too dangerous.
- Fixed bug that would sometimes prevent bots from defending their top/bottom lanes when the tier 3 towers/racks are gone.
- Fixed bug where if the incoming threat was small, no one would ever be a selected to defend (typically resulting in no defensive response to creeps).
Просмотров: 1181 | Добавил: Jack_PoT
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